Sunday, July 10, 2011

Joy Ekeledo shares the core goals she would like to achieve before graduating from Higher Institution

Joy is a regular contributor to Dis Generation column, read her recent post below:

“Life after graduation for many people is usually filled with air of uncertainties- especially since our colleges and universities seems to be churning out graduates faster than what the labour force can handle. Although I am in my first year in the university, there are seven things I would really like to achieve before graduation.”

What are these seven things? “The first is drawing up a plan.” Indeed, the truism that he who fails to plan, plans to fail is applicable to every aspect of our lives. Joy believes that things would have panned out differently if most graduates who roam the street incessantly searching for job opportunities spent much time preparing for how life would look like after graduating from the four walls of their Ivory Tower.

“Also I want to reshuffle my cabinet of friends because there are a lot of people who are just there for the sake of presence registration.” Show me a man and I will tell you who he is, goes the popular saying. Anyone who keeps company with bad companions will soon find himself in a level he did not bargain for. Thus, true to Joy’s expectation, it is imperative for us to make ourselves friendly and befriend people of like minds that will nurture our dreams, and vice versa, and not dream bullies.

Aside planning and reshuffling friends, Joy also wants to work hard to ensure that she graduates with the best grade.  But she observes that these days, the best grades and A-class certificates may not really be a determining factor to the kind of job one ends up with, thus, she also plans to make as much connection as possible. This can be achieved by networking with professionals in her field of study, interning and volunteering in organizations that will enable her broaden her knowledge, add colors to her CV and of course connect with key people in the field.

“I have discovered that it is not just enough to have good grades. It is imperative to learn from the experiences of others. Thus my fourth agenda before graduating is to improve on my relationship with people.”

In addition, Joy also plans to explore a profitable business opportunity to allow her be financially independent before graduating (capitalizing on her financially responsible habit). “Right from childhood, I have been groomed with the spirit of saving for the raining days.”

Lastly, before graduating, Joy plans on acquaint herself constantly with news about the sector she intends venturing into. This will enable her better position herself to acquire the knowledge and practical skills that will make her an asset right by the time she graduates and is ready to launch her career!

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