A: Avoid pre-marital/casual sex
B: Be faithful to your spouse
C: Consistent condom use with your partner
D: Don’t share Sharp Objects like razors, Clippers, Needles, and syringes etc.
E: Encourage and care for People Living with HIV and AIDS
F: Feasible HIV campaign ideas should be shared with the right people and not shun
G: Get tested and know your HIV status
H: HIV does not kill
I: Insist on sterilized clippers and other sharp objects if you must share
J: Just don’t ignore simple safety measures
K: Kick against stigmatizing people living with HIV (PLWH)
L: Learn how to live happily and stay alive even if you are HIV positive
M: Make HIV treatment available and affordable for PLWH by advocating for them
N: No knowledge is a waste; learn new facts about HIV today.
O: Operating an “I don’t care attitude” puts you at risk of being infected
P: Protect yourself and protect others by living responsibly.
Q: Question HIV issues and policy if you are in doubt
R: Remember HIV and AIDS are two different things
S: Sex education is a topic you must never shy away from
T: Talk to a trained and experienced HIV counselor for more information about HIV
U: Underestimating your chances of contracting HIV with risk behaviour is risky/Unite for Children, unite against AIDS!!!
V: Verify your first HIV test result by taking another test
W: With media support, accurate information about HIV can be effectively disseminated
X: Xerox A-Z of HIV and AIDS to other young people
Y: Yes! We can have an emergence of a HIV free youth population if we work together
Z: Zipping up is still the most effective & reliable way of Protecting yourself from HIV.
In the fight against HIV and AIDS, Young people should not fold their hands and seat back to watch the future move on without them. They should get involve and self-develop themselves by keying into the numerous positive opportunities and wide range of information made available locally and internationally. Take action- make a difference!
Jennifer Ehidiamen
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