Sunday, December 27, 2009

Making Information Sharing a habit...

“The delight of opening a new pursuit, or a new course of reading, imparts the vivacity and novelty of youth even to old age." Said Benjamin Disraeli (Two-time British Prime Minister). I am an avid reader, I love to read books. At the beginning of this year, I started writing a blog which I simply called ireviewcovertocover on, with the intention of boosting my reading culture and sharing my thoughts about what I read with others.

However, 2009 seems to skid by, leaving me with some books on my priority list waiting to be read. The ones on this list includes: “Ethics for International Business” by John Kline, “Not without Laughter” by Langston Hughes, “Stop running Scared” by Herbert Fensterheim and Jean Baer, “I was told there will be cake” by Sloanne Crosley, “Poetry Matters” by Ralph Fletcher, and “Say You’re One of them” by Akpan Uwem. Meanwhile, I enjoyed reading “Uncommon” by Tony Dungy, “Be Bold” by Echoing Green, “Unbridled” by Jude Dibia, “Every day is for the thief” by Teju Cole, etc. The book selections are poles apart, but as long as it is insightful; it is worth reading and sharing with others.

Talking about sharing, do you know information is one of the best gifts to share with others? Be it in form of constructive advice or tangible data, there is importance in extending it to others to lift them up. Jill Finlayson, in December 8th Social Edge Newsletter, profoundly wrote “Social entrepreneurs recognize the empowering value of sharing information. So if you want to make a difference this holiday season, consider what information you can share, what data you can aggregate, and how you can collaborate.”

It is so easy to take for granted the importance of collaboration in a society that celebrates competition. Thus, pushing us to ignore the value in sharing simple information such as a textbook or tutorial resource to helps a classmate in a difficult course, an exciting medium of communication e.g. TV/Radio Channel, or Internet address; or just any useful link or idea that can help set the success of others in motion.

“You are the same today as you will be five years from now except for two things . . . the people you meet and the books you read.” Charles E. Jones once said. The modern corollary of this quote will add, “…and the information you receive or share.” Who meets people, read books, share information and remains the same? Information shared is the cornerstone of innovation and collaboration. After all, God puts us all in each others lives to impact one another in some way. Don’t burn the bridge of information behind you.


Ore said...

Hello Jennifer,
I just discovered your blog through the Atlas Corps website. I commend your passion for developing youths and society through the media and volunteering.

I am also an avid lover (though not so much a reader) of books! A recurring desire of mine each year is to carve out more time to read, because as much as I love to read, I can never seem to find the time.

This year, again it's one of my goals. I'll enjoy reading your posts.


Jennifer Ehidiamen said...

Hi Ore, thanks for your kind comment :) I hope you indeed find time to read... it is a pleasant and rewarding exercise!