Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Celebrate Volunteering!

"Founded on the values of solidarity and mutual trust, volunteerism transcends all cultural, linguistic, and geographic boundaries. By giving their time and skills without expectation of material reward, volunteers themselves are lifted by singular sense of purpose." Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

Happy International Volunteer Day! Yeah... it is a day worth celebrating- celebrating the boys, girls, men and women who contribute awesomely to economic and social development through volunteerism :-) I think it should be celebrated everyday!!

I am thankful for the years of volunteering opportunities I got in my teens and early 20s... and yes, I do my best to still keep up the culture of volunteering. I think I have recovered from the volunteer fatigue I experienced late last year. Now back to the present!! What are girls doing these days?

Yep, the GPI-EEEP-GirlHub/NikeFoundation Yegna Girl Ambassadors got their very first news up on GPI news wire today!! Woot! Woot!! An exciting read... check it out below:

Woman Embraces Entrepreneurship, Redefines Gender Roles in Ethiopia

A local entrepreneur has become the first woman to own and drive a horse-drawn cart in her town. Her family is redefining gender roles here, as her husband handles the domestic duties so she can help support the family with her income... read more:

 Stay inspired!!

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